Well hello everyone. Yeah I know it has been a while but when I go home they don't believe in technology. We have computer but no internet service. That would not matter anyhow because the computer is as old as hopey killed Philip. You must be wondering who is hopey and Philip but it is just something my mother always says when she is describing something old. Well I went home for what reason I have no clue. My mother felt I needed to but really I think it is because she wanted to. I know you are probably wondering why I had to go. She did not want to leave me alone because I just did the surgery but I was good though. You can't tell these people anything. You would think I would know my own body and know when it is in pain. Right? N-E-Ways the time home was worth while and upsetting at the same time. I will give you the bad and then the good.
The good was I went out with a friend and we had a wonderful time without drama. We went to the movies and saw Bourne Supremacy. It was a good movie but I really wanted to see Far 911. You know it is nice to be around people who don't let your pressure go up or make your heart palpitate due to stress. You are probably wondering why I would even let someone get to me like that but when I get to the bad I will explain. Well back to the point, I was respected and understood which I haven't received in a while. Sometimes I think God bring some people in your life to let you open your eyes to things around you. God surely has a way of dealing with each of us but we have to have our eyes and ears open so we doesn't miss us. Sulaya gave me a poem the other day and it was about establishing your relationship with God before you could have a human relationship. As I look through my life and different relationships I can clearly see how true this is because if we do not wait on God we could really end up miserable in life. One thing I noticed about myself is that when I am in love with someone I settle for the bullshit and compromise myself. I guess that is what love does to you but you know if you waited on God. I don't regret anything in my life because maybe if certain things did not happen I would not be the person I am today. Experience can be a bitch but a blessing at the same time. We just need to learn from each one. So much for my happy endings.
Enough about that, another good thing was my brother got an engagement ring for his girlfriend. I helped picked it out and it is the bomb. I could not see her saying no because of the ring and the man she is getting. (Sorry Sulaya I did not tell you before this I forgot but I will call you in morning before you read this. lol) He is not planning on asking her until like December but he wanted to start paying on it. I am happy because I like her. She is cool and I think they make a great team. Yea, now I can get some nieces and nephews soon. My other friend is also about to pop the big question to his girl. I was so excited for him because he was one of the fortunate one to find true love.
Also I had some good one to one with God. I think he is going to do some things to my life. I know changes will be coming soon. Everyday I am seeing things about myself that has to change. I am like a clay pot that has been broken but the potter is putting me back together. I don't know what to expect but I know it will be good. I just need to remain focused and not let the devil cloud my thoughts. I need encouragement so I would appreciate if you all could help me with that. I am tried being locked in these chains. I also don't want it just to be for a time neither. I want these changes to be permanent. I am ready for God to really use me for the things he wants me for. Oh yeah I am going to get started on that book I wanted to do.
Okay to the bad things. First why is the male species so immature at times? Why would you take someone's phone charger to spite them? Why not come to the person and talk to them if something is bothering? These are the question I had in my head yesterday when my phone was dead the would day and I missed all my calls. For example the people about my heart transplant, my teacher about my exam, and to top it off lost in the mall from family for about an hour without money, change, gas, etc. Talk about pissed. That was not even the word. Well this is what someone did to me because they don't know the meaning of communication and respect. My charger was taken because I forgot to bring something back from gville. Done out of spite. How sad that grown men have to behave like children. Anyways this situation like ruined my whole day and then some. I just don't understand some people's actions at times. All I can do is pray for them
Well I am tried of typing