Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Whaat a DAY!!!

All I can say about today is wow. The day has been pure madness from morning and you all know I am not a morning person. Basically from the carpet cleaning people coming to caribsa it was off the chain. I been on the phone, cleaning, typing,etc all day. I am trying to get this place together for neo's arrival. I never knew I had so much junk and that making space in a huge 1 bedroom apartment would be so hard. The madness with Caribsa escalated because Janie isn't here and she is sick so I am taking over for her and I have my own board to run. Thinking for two boards I have to say is a lot but it will pass soon. Anyways I want to thank you neo for all the support, jokes, consideration, and love you sent my way today. Times like this I am reassured why I am with you and the great team we make. I love you. Anyways reminder to all my birthday is coming up and yall are behaving like you still have 2 months. I am going to do my own thing and not invite non of you. Just kidding. I know my birthday is going to be special because I will have the people that I love and love me around me. Okay good nite I have an early appointment in morning. Hugs and kisses to all.


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