Saturday, July 24, 2004

I'm alright

For those of you who knew I went to surgery, I 'm alright.  It went well but I am still in a little pain.  I just thank God everything was okay.  I tell you about doctors, they went in with the mentality that they were going to keep me in the hospital.  Well guess what, I am home and there is no rush for a heart transplant.  I tell you God works some miracles in my life.  When the doctors says no Jesus says yes.  I am praying for my complete healing so I don't have to get one at all.  Right now I am on the waiting list but as long as I stay out the hospital I don't have to worry about getting one for a while.  Anyways just keep praying for me because the devil is always trying to take me.Oh yeah let me tell you how they tried me on OR.  They shaved me but did not shave everything so they have me what not looking uneven and one sided.  It is very unattractive.  I mean they could not just shape me up good?  And they did it low as hell so when it grows back I am going to be scratching and people are going to wonder what is going on with me.  Also afterwards they gave me some crackers, I tell you I have never had crackers that taste so good.  I tried to get the name but I had dropsy yesterday.  I was so drugged it was not funny and I was talking pure foolishness.   Well I need to go lay down now so I will drop a blog another day.


At 5:07 PM, Blogger neishatweed said...

Marce, glad that even under you drugs you remember you belly. lol i'm dying about the crackers.


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