Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Its almost birthday time

I will start the 2 months count day in a few days. My birthday is Thursday April 28 at 8am (I think I have to check on that for sure). For this birthday, I want it to be special because my 21 sucked. I can't believe I am almost 22 years old. Just typing it is crazy. I think I like being 21 because it wasn't too young but not too old neither. I guess I have to grow up sometime. This year has been a crazy year so far. I have meet so many people and built on so many relationships. I have learned so much and have change because of them. I have been working on my birthday resolution but will not disclose it until later. Actually you will learn of one each week of the 2 months count down. I hope I have that many. Anyways for this birthday I want to be with my family and close friends. I don't want anything much at this time but I will continue to update you. I am leaving all the planning to the special people in my life. You know who you are and if you are reading this then you are probably one of them. Make sure you consult with each other.

Things I need for my birthday:
Big excitement but remember I get excited over everything so that shouldn't be hard
hugs and kisses
my friends and sisters
e-cards( they are cute)
everyone to be happy and in a good mood
coldstone ice cream cake
no questions about what I want to do
special treatment (princess would be adequate) :)
if you are getting gifts-it needs to be original-something that took some thought( I will probably have a list but don't count on it.)

I think that is it for now but I will fill you in as time goes by. I love you all.


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