Monday, February 21, 2005

Who Is Neo?

Well for those of you do not know, Neo is my partner, companion, friend, love, and what many of you may call it "my boyfriend." He is the "barrier of light" that is what his real name means. He has been a light to me so far in this dark tunnel we call life. He has brought so much positive vibes to my life in such a short time. Each day with him makes me want to be with him more. He is a talented intelligent handsome young Caribbean( St. Kitt's and VI) American MAN. I call him neo first of all because like in the matrix he may be the "one" but I will never know until he goes through different situations and when the oracle (God) tells me if he is. Second neo is someone new and refreshing in my life. We are good together and have a connection that I have never experienced before. We complement each other. Our personalities and spirits blend on a level that I have never had with anyone else. I just know I am suppose to be with him right now. I know my feelings for him are real even though it seems surreal and fast. I know its not infatuation because my heart would not be so taken. I know many may be wondering what is it about him that makes him different from the others. How do I know its real? I have asked myself these questions too and this is what I came up with.

The first thing that sets him apart is his incredible amount of patience and understanding. Its like he knows what I am talking about even before I explain it. His intelligent yet complex mind that allows him to always look at things from all angles. The way he listens and talk, it is not just a one way street. He knows how to converse. He is a driven mature person that does not give up when things get hard. The willingness he posses to compromise in different situations exceeds any other. He knows how to treat me meaning he knows when to touch me and when not to. Basically giving me attention but not too much. Knowing how to talk to me in a way that doesn't get me upset and being able to put me in my place in a respectable way. Basically allowing me to be me while setting his standards. His will to take initiative but not coming off as controlling. His caring affectionate supportive personality. You know usually you don't get all three of those. He is hardworking and encouraging which always keeps me on my toes. He is a friend before anything else which lets me know he will always be there for me. He loves me for all my disabilities and faults. He wants a family and will be able to take care of them. He knows how to cook, clean, and believes that things should be split 50/50. We don't argue which many who know my of past relationship know that was a problem. And most of all he loves Jesus. I could go on foe hours about this but it is getting late and my ears hurt. Also don't get me wrong he is not perfect but at this point he is perfect for me. And can you believe my mother doesn't like him. She has no reason because she doesn't know him, heard nothing about him, or has seen him. She just hatin because he is not "soup". We will leave that for another blog. It is jokes for days. Well I am signing off for the night.


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