I don't know my friends
Well Yesterday I found out the Sulaya was 25 and had two boys. During blue and white a friend of another friend( my friend now:) ) met Sualya. After how much weeks we were talking and I forgot how we got on the subject but he told me he thought Sulaya was 25 and they kids here was hers. I guess it is okay for Sulaya to go out with the 37 years old man ( who march in the civil rights movement , was apart of the black panther party and meet Martin Luther King Jr.) :) I also found out that she was and elf. I guess I really don't know my friends. Does any of you have things you think I should know?
I'm sure there's alot about me that people can make up. But I know this one is true and everyone is always shocked when they find out: I have a brother. Older, on my father's side.
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