Thursday, February 24, 2005

I thank God

I really thank god for the people he has surrounded me with. I am so encouraged in the times when I need uplifting. I get nothing but positive vibes and I really need this at this time. I realize that certain people I in my life for a reason and we are going through similar things at the same time which makes the road so much easier. For example the women's group, we are all in that group for a reason and there is so much support there that makes me strong. I love those women so much and everytime I am with them I get closer to them. We are all on the same path of self righteousness that makes that journey so nice because there are no distractions by your friends since they are trying to achieve the same things. I know when I slip up they are there to caught me, correct me, and pull me back up again. Things are changing so much in my life and this is what I need. Also God has placed a companion in my life that has been there so much for me in the past couple of months. Even if we broke up today I know that he was in my life for these reasons of support, enlightenment, understanding, etc. Again I just really thank God for all of you in my life and I love all of you dearly. All of you have something unique that is so important to my life. From the bluntness to rationale to the jokes you all carry something. May God bless all richly.


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